Monday, June 25, 2012

Appreciating the Moments

The world of aviation teaches many useful life lessons. One that may not be immediately obvious is the importance of appreciating seemingly small things.

My book, The Flight Level Chronicles, is a collection of feel-good stories highlighting the happy and positive aspects of general aviation. A loosely related short story called “Reflections from a Little Yellow Airplane” is included as a bonus chapter. Reflections is a tale of appreciation – enjoying the amazement of nature in autumn, the wonder of low and slow flight in a small Piper Cub and the kindness of a friend who found a way to create a smile.
Most aviators fly not for the money or gold bars on shoulders. They fly because they love it. Certainly, some flights are true challenges, tapping every modicum of a pilot’s skill. Those experiences are, thankfully, small in number. Nearly every flight offers a chance to glance earthward at a quilt-like landscape, or appreciate a billowing, impressive cloud formation. In what other profession does one have an office perched tens of thousands of feet in the sky? Moments to appreciate abound in the world of aviation.

Incredible Views are Moments to Appreciate
Photo by Lillian LeBlanc
Back on earth, many people hold jobs that might be described as far more routine than the role of a pilot. Yet, even the most mundane jobs also offer moments to appreciate, if viewed through the right lens. Leaders set the tone for their workgroups and can provide ways for employees to see things differently.
Great leaders help employees appreciate the moments by:

1.      Taking time to say “thanks.” Nothing puts a smile on someone’s face faster than a quick note of appreciation. A tough job becomes a rewarding challenge when one’s efforts are noticed and appreciated. Thanks can be conveyed verbally, by email or by handwritten note. Debate rages as to which is most effective but the key point is to simply do it.

2.      Modeling pride. Every job and every organization has its good points and bad points. Pride of affiliation – the good feeling one gets from belonging to a group – is directly correlated to employee engagement. Leaders who visibly demonstrate pride in their organizations, even during difficult times, infuse the good feeling directly to their workgroups

3.      Celebrating – often.  In my long HR career, I’ve noticed that a lighter atmosphere and smiles are much more prevalent during the holiday season. Even in the busiest organizations, when deadlines loom large, the holidays offer a change to gather and enjoy the camaraderie of coworkers. However, celebration needn’t be limited to a few days at year-end. Ever notice how moods change when someone walks in with homemade baked goods? One leader I know makes a purposeful effort to bake sweet, tasty pastries any time her workgroup is experiencing a challenge. Her staff truly appreciates the moments.
The next time you fly, whether as a passenger in the back of a commercial jet or as a pilot at the controls, take a moment to look out the window. (Yes, this is possible even from across the aisle.) Take a moment to savor what you see, whether a cloud, a reflected rainbow or a special ray of light. When your feet return to earth, as you walk through the airport, find something small to make you smile – a family gathered with excited small children headed to see a special mouse, an older couple quietly holding hands or a uniformed crewmember on a cell phone, taking a moment out to be a parent while between flights. As you return to your job, make an effort to seek out circumstances, people, or moments to appreciate.

The more you practice, the easier it will be to find small things to savor. Moreover, you’ll find that your appreciation becomes contagious. If you’re a leader, you will have unlocked one simple secret to energizing and motivating your team.
Recommended readings for this post include two of my favorite books:  The Daily Carrot Principle: 365 Ways to Enhance Your Career and Life, by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton is a wonderful book for any leader – or any individual. It provides daily tips to enhance appreciation and recognition. Weekend Wings, by Frank Kingston Smith, is a happy collection of tales that collectively convey the joy of flying. In a time of reality shows and mean-spirited exposés, Smith’s book shows aviators and non-aviators alike how to appreciate simple, good and pleasant moments.

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